I'm trying to make the exit button on the Navit menu bigger.
Is this adjusted in the skin.carpc folder under Custom_Navit_1116.xml?
I want to make it 3 times the length about.
The EXIT Button? That is style in the navit snaga skin. In Custom_Navit_1116.xml you can style the X Button for return to kodi.
(21.08.2017, 07:25)cbrauweiler schrieb: [ -> ]The EXIT Button? That is style in the navit snaga skin. In Custom_Navit_1116.xml you can style the X Button for return to kodi.
Actually not true... or not true on my install I needed to modify the plugin.navigation/addon.py to make the button bigger... it seems the overlay is loaded there... I have to admit I don't know why but this worked.
Modified the Original values to
# Back button #Original 50 & 47,50,50
self.button_back=xbmcgui.ControlButton(self.w - 100, self.h - 94, 100, 100,
self.backImage = xbmcgui.ControlImage(self.w - 100, self.h - 94, 100, 100,
Final Product:
![[Bild: U5rlCvQ.jpg]](http://i.imgur.com/U5rlCvQ.jpg)
As i said: The "Return" Button (the overlayed on the bottom right) is styled by kodi. The "Exit" Button in the menu of navit to quit navit is styled by navit.
Danke, habe ich gemäß dieser Anleitung auch gemacht. Funktioniert.
Meine Wurstfinger treffen diesen Button nun besser, der andere war echt was klein.