I run Carpi on Raspberry Pi 2 B, 5inch HDMI LCD , 800 x 480 touch on ads7846 controller . Unfortunately, the touch interface is controlled by GPIO , and I have a problem with a combination of regulators and FM radio. I'm not good at this whole GPIO . The controller has a problem because CarPC touchscreen uses port 25 and controller gpio not run.
carpc-controller /opt/carpc/config/gpio_description
gpio: Unable to open GPIO direction interface for pin 25: No such file or directory
wiringPiISR: unable to open /sys/class/gpio/gpio25/value: No such file or directory
Toutch screen driver at config.txt
dtoverlay=ads7846, cs=1 speed=100000 penirq=25, penirq_pull=2, swapxy=0, xmin=200, ymin=200, xmax=3900, ymax=3900, pmin=0,
If you comment out the driver of the touch screen controller starts gpio
How to put this out for an amateur .
Sorry, google translate