06.10.2016, 20:33
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 06.10.2016, 20:37 von harryberlin.)
der python code wird fehlerhaft dargestellt (falsch eingerückt). so muss es sein:
# !/usr/bin/env python
# -----------------------------------------------------
# This is a program for DS1302 RTC Module.
# It provide precision timmer.
# This program depend on rpi_time.py.
# ds1302 Module Pi
# VCC ------------------ 5 V (Must be 5v)
# GND ------------------ GND
# SCL ---------------- Pin 16
# SDA ---------------- Pin 18
# RST ---------------- Pin 22
# -----------------------------------------------------
from datetime import datetime
import ds1302
import rpi_time
import time
rtc = rpi_time.DS1302()
def setup():
print ''
print ''
print rtc.get_datetime()
print ''
print ''
a = raw_input("Do you want to setup date and time?(y/n) ")
if a == 'y' or a == 'Y':
date = raw_input("Input date:(YYYY MM DD) ")
time = raw_input("Input time:(HH MM SS) ")
date = date.split()
time = time.split()
print ''
print ''
ds1302.set_date(int(date[0]), int(date[1]), int(date[2]))
ds1302.set_time(int(time[0]), int(time[1]), int(time[2]))
dt = rtc.get_datetime()
print "You set the date and time to:", dt
def loop():
while True:
a = rtc.get_datetime()
print a
def destory():
GPIO.cleanup() # Release resource
if __name__ == '__main__': # Program start from here
except KeyboardInterrupt: # When 'Ctrl+C' is pressed, the child program destroy() will be executed.